
Misery Loves My Company

I don\'t know how long this relationship will last

But I guess I\'ll it enjoy while i still can

Cuz when I think that my pain is gone

It comes back later just to ruin what I have going on


I thought I could be the one for him

But i\'m starting to think i can\'t be trusted not to hurt him 

And if we ever split apart and end it all

I just want him to know I truly loved him all along


I\'ll always remember you even if we part ways

And I\'ll wear this bracelet wherever I go, every day

I\'ll never forget what we could have been

And I\'ll never fall in love with someone else like we did


But that\'s too negative, why am I thinking this?

I don\'t want us to end, you\'re who i want to be with

But whenever I\'m happy I start to remember

Misery loves my company and nothing lasts forever