
City Street Blues

Concentrate...there is a flower in the yard

She dances on concrete, and nothing else

And crack cocaine has ruined these streets

Whose demise is tied up in one\'s destiny?

Salty lilies dance in her head again

For there are people plotting against her, even demons

For demons are people attached to darkness

May God rebuke their presence right now!

And many houses run from hate

Because these neighborhoods are dying

Am I asleep or am I awakened

To the fact that people aren\'t real?

And public sabotage...where is the sun?

For what is the philosophy of killing the chicken?

For who is the chicken

And who is the egg?

I wonder as I run the naked city;

Is there a possible escape for justice

When justice is being barred?

Do we solidify the position of the leaders

As they speak gibberish to the world?

Is truth tied up in nuisance,

Or is it perfectly bound?

For why can\'t leadership be unbound?

Unbound is the man with the drugs...

I wish upon a star upon the drugs

That drugs will die soon,

And soon the world will come to its own demise

And salty lilies come to an agreement

With the man with the drugs

Amidst the city street blues

Behold the houses that run away

For they are people too--

And truth writes a poem about love

For love tries to win my spirit,

For I don\'t respect people who are fake

And make fake promises to me,

Because these are the people

Who end up strung out on fate,

And fate can be an evil spirit!

I rebuke Satan and his minions...

And who will go the distance

For a real one?

For a real one would never sabotage one\'s destiny

And real roses grow in the garden...

Get off my pages if you\'re not in my story

For all the real ones stay;

Oh the city street blues

Is the blues of life,

Shout out to the real poets

With a destined reality--

I find my crack cocaine

To be nonexistent.