Jude Chukwuemeka Muoneke



Ina kwana Baba!
Lafiya yaro na,
Ka je makaranta?
Eh, Baba.

Listen my son:
While you acquire the Western education, 
Don\'t detest your cultures and traditions, 
Learn to appreciate your root and identity.

While learning their ways,
Never you imitate their ways,
Imitation is limitation,
Be you; be comfortable in your skin.

Don\'t change your identity to belong, 
Bear your African names,
It\'s a mark of your identity,
Tell this to your children,
And to your children\'s children.

Yaro na!
As you walk to the top,
Help people you meet on your way up,
If need be, make sacrifices for them;
Put smiles on their faces.

If Allah blesses you,
Be humble, kind and empathetic,
Be a giver,
Love everybody, but trust nobody.

Yaro na!
If you do all these,
You will be happy here and hereafter,
In all, love yourself without reservation,
\"Baba, na gode\".
Greatness awaits you at the top. 


13 April, 2024.