sonal monhyung

Laddakh:snow land

I\'ll get up and go now

In my dream , a trip to laddakh;

Not by plane but in train

Enjoying the views in front of my eyes.

I can get relief to this harsh summer

Where temperature is enough to sweat:

But also pack some ripe mangoes with me

To enjoy it on the river bank!

But not forget to pack my boots

And my jacket,also my cap:

So there cold wind don\'t make me sick.


I\'ll reach there with the rising sun

And take a bus on the snowy tracks:

And then I\'ll start my journey 

To see the beauty of the earth,

And various monasteries and cities

Located on the mountains,on rocky terrain:

I\'ll buy some cherries and apricots 

And wear the long traditional Goncha;

Of my favourite colour blue or red.

I\'ll visit to Nubra valley and Tso morini

Also take a bus to the Magnetic hill:

If I\'ll lucky to go on zanskar range

And the famous Rohtang la;

There\'s hundreds things to do

In the chilly cold water if rivers.


Celebrate the traditional festival together 

with other tourists and locals people.

How much fun it\'ll be there?

Stay in the traditional hotel at night

With snow covered roof and windowpane:

Enjoy the fun part of the vacation 

On a mountain with snow covered peaks;

May this hallucination come true!

In this very summer holiday.