
The beauty of Ooty

The ‘Blue Mountain’ snaked its way through the mountains low and high

the beauteous scenery around, evoked many a joyful cry

Mountains clouded in mist, and rivers meandering their way

Were each seen and appraised, as well as waterfalls showering spray

Tall eucalyptus trees stood majestically, - a feast for the eyes

On seeing them, there were many exclamations and sighs

For the scene was such, and the day so bright

That everyone felt like hiking in the warm summer light -

On the mountains and in the valleys that were spread around

For well did we know, that such beauty is rarely found..

Wild flowers grew in abundance, and were a lovely sight

Many of them were rare, and only some were trite

The roads that lay beneath were lovely to behold

The dried leaves on the ground looked like leaves of gold

Everything was splendid, even the far-away toy-like homes

The horses and grazing cows looked like little dwarfs and gnomes

The panorama was magnificent – it was truly a work of art

It left a deep imprint on each and every heart.