Dev Parth


In the quiet of the night, when shadows fall,
I wonder if I’m the worst of them all.
Do my failures mark me, like scars on my soul?
Do my weaknesses weigh, taking their toll?

In the mirror’s reflection, I see my face,
A tapestry woven of doubt and disgrace.
Yet beneath the surface, hidden and deep,
Lies a heart still dreaming, in its silent keep.

I ask the stars, in their infinite glow,
Am I the worst, is it truly so?
But the stars, indifferent, whisper naught,
Leaving me tangled in my own thought.

The worst, I ponder, is it a name,
Given by others or my own shame?
Is it a label that I can revoke,
With strength and courage, a flame to stoke?

In this dance of fear and hope’s embrace,
I seek the truth, find my place.
For even in shadows, light can be found,
And in the worst, a lesson profound.

So I stand, with my flaws laid bare,
Not the worst, but simply aware.
Of the journey, the struggle, the fight within,
To rise each day, and begin again.