
Missive For Mercy

Tune: University College

(\'Oft in danger, oft in woe\')

Psalm 6


O Lord, rebuke me not in

Your anger, though I do sin

Nor chasten me in your hot

Displeasure, maintain my lot


O Lord, have mercy on me

For I am weak, O Lord, see

Heal me, my bones are troubled

Yet unto you I have called


My soul very troubled is

But, O Lord, how long be this?

Return, O Lord, save my soul

By your merices make me whole


For in death no memory

Of you, in grave how can be?

That mortals thanks to you give

Though you, Lord, do ever live


I am weary with groaning

I do weep and not much sing

My eyes are sore through grieving

Enemies me oppressing


Depart from me, you who work

Iniquity, secret lurk

To me trap, but the Lord He

Heard my weeping mournfully


The Lord my prayer He has heard

He will true receive each word

So let enemies ashamed

Be, the Lord\'s mercy has reigned