Qurrathul Ain


Dear old me,

I\'ve grown to be more confident,

Insecurities have gone invisible,

Are you proud of me?


Dear old me,

I\'ve started to prefer land and sky,

To people, for company.


Why do I like pink more?

Why do I prefer pure white over beautiful black?

Why do I want long hair instead of short now?

Why do I love myself more?


Dear old me,

I see the good in everybody,

I don\'t blame others like you,

Even those who have hurt me.


Dear old me,

I wish to be settled now,

Unlike you, who wished to do so many things.


I have become more silent,

Unlike you.

I yearn for people\'s trust and respect,

Unlike you, who never cared for all that.


Dear old me,

I have stopped judging people,

I have learned to look at their heart.


Dear old me,

Unlike you, who was a fighter and a rebel,

I have learned to be different and patient,

For that is the only way to get it our way.


I wonder,

What you\'ll have to say to me,

Now that I\'m twenty-one.