
The invisible prison

Shouting before the gates
Hush and be brave !
The leash in their neck 
Cutting their circulation 
Crying in desperation 
Giving up the hope they had 
Their eyes shout lack of love
In small cages  
To be protected 
From a danger? 
Or abandoned in dirty places
\"Since they are dirty and insensitive\"
\"Don\'t touch them!They are fatal \"
Don\'t worry you\'ll survive... 
I\'m truly worried If you have braincells 
I laugh with your foolishness 
I cry with your brutishness 
Hidden in plain sight 
Those creatures fight 
For their life 
\"We care for those who suffer\"
Yet we go on with our day 
Not thinking of their pain? 
\"Humanity can fuck off\" I say
Can you forget the big cages ? 
Called circuses 
To have \" fun\" watching innocent creatures 
Collapsing in debilitation 
Revealing the brainlessness of our nation
Zoos should be for rapists
Don\'t get me started on experiments 
For the ugliest girls to look prettier 
Their inanity infuriates me 
As for hunting and dirty farms 
I assure you 
They are better ways to do that 
I dream of the day 
I live for the day 
People disappear 
Animals live with no fear 
Rule the world .
Appreciation of their worth 
Should be a rule in your brain
Help them with no second thoughts
This is what we are meant for .
Don\'t stay indifferent against abusers.