Thad Wilk

``> Halloween Demon Bat

Window \'twas open to my flat.

In flew a gorgeous demon bat.

She stared at me her glance so sweet

and said hi big boy, \'trick or treat\'?


One look and I was hypnotized.

Her boobies a treat for the eyes.

She was a really lovely lass,

had shapely hips and a nice @ss.


Not into bat chicks as a rule.

That sexy bod just made me drool.

She was real hot I liked her style.

Those pointed ears did so beguile.


This creature was sure not aloof,

we even had sex on the roof.

Don\'t know how I survived it bro?

Got bat wing bruised from head to toe!


One of her \'horns\' lopped off my ear.

Not having sex with her next year!

Quickly I reached that conclusion;

after my last, Blood Transfusion~

