Love Poem

Two extra arms sprout 


of my ribs

To hold you my love

with twice the arms

Which are wings

that can take you up



The clouds 

are the soft pillows

of our sleep

our eternal minds


in love

while our bodies


to the moon 



The clocks

are shattered 

when we kiss,

I’ve never known

this feeling 

of bliss, my darling

you are spring

and my heart a bud

that opens at

your command.


The sky will

see me die,

my flesh burned 

to a crisp, in your loving


my ashes spread, like snow.

And my light 

will remain in your flight

through eternity

and my heart a bud

that opens at 

your command.


You see, I am so small

I am so large

when in your presence

I feel most myself

no need to hide

my darker side.

So my love pours 


and from my ribs I sprout

Two extra arms

to hold you tight.