Mason Vollman

Watch Me

𝒲𝒢𝓉𝒸𝒽 𝑀𝑒



People always say that you can\'t do it,


\"Watch Me\"


And I\'ll prove it,


I\'m never enough, or it\'s not possible for me,


\"Watch Me\"


It\'s my mentality, you see.


You\'r just a face in the crowd,


Underestimating my potential,


I already drew your face,


You\'r still using a stencil.


You say I\'m not good enough,


I don\'t care,


I\'ll just do,


Because to you,


I got nothing to prove,


The difference between one who wins,


And one who loses,


The winner loses more,


But will get back up off the floor,


The loser loses,


And gives up,


Counts his bruises,


And walks out,


You\'ll always have haters,


This world will beat you to the ground,


You got to be greater,


Let your potential be found,


They don\'t think you can do it?


No need to prove it,


Let them sit pretty in the sidelines,


As you set off to do it,


And if you blew it,


No need to retreat,


Get up, do it again,


Don\'t play with defeat,


If you fail,


Try again,


Repeat the process, until you win,


This world will always shake and spin,


Hold on to the foundation,


From within.


If they don\'t believe you,


Let them watch,


Don\'t sit like a coward,


Life\'s not about how hard you can hit,


It\'s about how hard you can get hit,


And keep moving forward.


\"You can\'t do that!\"


\"That\'s impossible\"


Don\'t believe me?


Just watch.


Watch me try,


And not stop,


Watch me push until I drop,


Watch me climb that mountain,


Inch by Inch, and reach the top,


Watch me do,


What you didn\'t think I could do,


Your jaw dropped in awe,


As you realize, it was true.


Watch me learn that entire song,


by memory,


Watch me get that job,


Watch all the haters surrender to me,


Don\'t believe me?


Just Watch...




\"It’s not easy.
That’s the first thing you need to know.
There are a million people out there that will tell you that it’s easy to be successful, that you can be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams by working two hours a day, that you can find your dream partner by swiping left and right on your phone!
That’s bullshit.
You want your dream life? You want the big house? You want a partner that loves you with their whole heart? All it takes is a promise:
“I won’t stop”
Five years of toil, five years of pushing yourself, five years of evolving you, your life, and your mind.
Five years of uncertainty, five years of fear, five years of society telling you that you *can’t*.
That’s “all” it takes.
The road to success isn’t easy, it isn’t “fun,” and it isn’t without sacrifice.
But it is simple.
“I won’t stop”
Not till I make my million, not till I’ve conquered my mountain, not till I lead the life I deserve.\"