
Thomas\' Tale

Tune: Binchester

(\'Happy are they, they that love God\')

John 20 v.24-29

For St Thomas Day - July 3.


Lord, if was to strengthen our faith

You allowed Thomas [to] saith

Except I see the risen Lord

I not believe, [that is] my word*


Jesus did then appear again

He had once appeared when

Thomas was not with disciples

Not within the house walls


Jesus said, Peace be unto you

Look, see it is me true

Touch me, Thomas, be not faithles

But believing, no less


Thomas said, My Lord and my God

You this earth sure have trod

\'Tis you the same, then Jesus said

\'Tis me risen from dead


And Thomas, because you see me

For you now no doubts be

Yet blessed are they that have not me

Seen, who believe faithfully


* Verse 1 is based partly on a Collect - a Formal Prayer.