
Mourn the Dove [ARE YOU AWAKE NOW?]

Yesterday I saw 4 people.

4 young men, walking along a desert path

Quiet peaceful….


Sand silent so

No sounds of hars- 

Instantaneously they were caught up in an explosion

their bodies torn to pieces three of them gone

a leg over there and their torso in the other direction 

and their

Bodies blurred 

As I watch from a stupid phone screen and

I can\'t even fathom how horrifying it is because 

emotions are dulled down 

what i see

In front of me

Is different than how much i would feel

if i was right there in that moment 

A ghost, is what I am, 

Watching as the 4th man 

His knees gave out and 

He crawled towards 

The blurred out remains of what were his friends

Just crimson splatters on the floor


Where are my tears and my humanity? What kind of person have i become to not even 

Blink an eye 

when the fourth man moves forward one last time

And explodes into nothingness too?

He was innocent, those other three were innocent. 


Starved of food beyond starvation of thoughts of 

starved from information 

we are starved of our senses 

deprived of humanity 

How can i act humanely


Hear me from behind the curtain I call you

I call you, the real you, the one not who is stuck in a scrolling loop

knocking on your bedroom door frame, windows of the early morning dawn, 

Child, do you hear the melodious call of the mourning dove?

Have you realized that it no longer sings…

no longer because you paid to have it locked up


and die.
