
The fragrant flower

A hundred flowers bloomed

One was born to sigh

A hundred faces smiled

One destined to cry


Its fragrance was the sweetest

Its color was the best

Without any attempt

It out-shadowed the rest.


A razzling, dazzling flower

Graceful but morose

Slender and quite dainty

It out-rivalled the rose


It danced with the wind

And sparkled in the sun

In its pristine purity

It could be compared with none..


An ugly hand snatched it

The pretty flower paled

It strove to retain youth

It tried and tried, but failed


It adorned a pretty head

Its beauty could not survive

For not in that hairy jungle

Was it destined to thrive..


The beauty of the tribe

Cried for its lost days

Even in its sorrow

It drooped with such grace


And when it withered away

A hand away it threw

And the pretty, lovely flower

Was trodden by a shoe!!


The lovely, lovely flower, that was destined to cry

Gave a final fragrance before its final sigh.