Shattered Shits

Fragments of Us

As if my heart has lost all it\'s red,

Like a glass abt to break.


Living my way although I am dead,

Jus waiting for her along the deck.


The winds say, I should have fled,

Little do they know, about my wreck.


Everything is getting fade,

It\'s all jus empty space.


On my deathbed, I\'m laid,

The ashes no one can trace.


Slicing me light a sharp blade,

The emptiness dances with grace.


In breath, I beg her to stay,

watching her along her way.


The phrases that once float like wind,

Now dry & still only to sting.


Silence falls like rain,

wiping everything but not the pain.


As I drop this, souvenirs flood me,

with echoes of what used to be.


We talked abt the sea but not abt the tides,

We talked abt everything except the spites.


A memory\'s ringing, a nostalgic sigh,

A yearning of what we used to be, and why.