Jim Morrison Jr

Ran Well Spoken



๐ŸŒThe day before night closes in . Gods of ages come to gather. Demons within weigh out truth of suspicious being. One more time should be the last. She holds her breath while fingering through  fields of hope. One less gathered is child of man. He who sought out truth,lonely heart’s awaken. Golden sky’s lye open. Only he who sees light there after. Demons pray, she has forsaken truth within. Lay back take it well spoken. Each and every time. Flames of fury burn deep from within. We fear there after . Only you may flock prey of the weak. Dawn awakens all who perish. Forsaken is he who ran well spoken….๐ŸŒ

-Jim Morrison Jr. ™๏ธ

-BulletHead   2024

Titled / Ran Well Spoken