Jeffery Lee Palmer

Chasing A Star


We were single people

living life as an individual

we met with nothing physical

the desire to touch is unbearable

Letters and videos are our tether

we need a wormhole 

a space and time fold

I would never miss you 

if you woke up beside me



Lean your cheek into my hand

​put your hand on my chest

your eyes are my Polaris

always guiding me back home

Even as a blackhole tries

to break me down to size

you\'re my sun you warm me up

There is only one I love

Girl, you are my galaxy 


Being on the same planet

means we are in the same hands

it proves we are never far apart

so long as we see the same stars

do you wish upon the same one

count along with me from the north star

south one, two three

              then one two east                 

My wish for my entire life was for us to meet



Lean your cheek into my hand

​put your hand on my chest

your eyes are my Polaris

always guiding me back home

Even as a blackhole tries

to break me down to size

you\'re my sun you warm me up

There is only one I love

Girl, you are my galaxy



​Staring up the the night sky 

every breeze is like you breathing

I feel like the Zeta Reticuli to your Milky Way

you\'re so many lightyears away

The colors between are so pretty

no interstellar color combo matches you 

you are the shooting star

I would chase across the universe



Lean your cheek into my hand

​put your hand on my chest

your eyes are my Polaris

always guiding me back home

Even as a blackhole tries

to break me down to size

you\'re my sun you warm me up

There is only one I love

Girl, you are my galaxy


Jeffery Lee Palmer (Take Your Knife)