
choose to try

Choose to try.

Choose to stand up.

You may fall,

Or someone may push you down.

But you must choose to continue.

No matter how broken,

Your pieces make you.

You can’t undo what was done.

But you can choose what you do now.

I know you’re angry

I know you don’t want to

I know you’re tired

But get up.

You have the power.

What is hope?

The realization that you may win.

The decision to say you will try.

Nothing can stop you,

Except yourself.

Your sickness thinks you’re going to give up.

Your bully thinks you’re going to give up.

Your friends, your family.

Choosing to give up isn’t choosing.

It’s surrendering.

The battle may last years,

It may not be pretty,

But if you continue,

You will win.