Shokhijakhon Urunov





 Came in a row the cranes

 Spring has come to my country.

 Flowers bloomed,

 Flower spreads.

 The tulips also open up

 Light shone from the mountains.

 Nature also woke up,

 The fire of love burned.

 From one flower to another,

 The butterfly landed,

 Spring is everywhere,

 Nature revives.



 Grandmums are cooking

 Sumalak in Doshkazon.

 In the sky after the rain

 The rainbow came out.

 Look, it\'s so beautiful

 The colors of the rainbow

 Red,green, yellow

 All colors are beautiful



 Happy spring to my country

 Nowruz has arrived.

 Holidays are also connected,

 Everyone came happily.

 Spring bridal season,

 Hearts will be blown away

 Birds in the tree

 He sings happily.

 The cranes came in a row

 Spring has come to my country.


Author : Shokhijakhon Urunov

Student of Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute