
A Day Of Music.

What a day,

A day filled with music.

To the Brass Band Day we went,

Thirty brass bands around the town.

I go every year,

Every year to this festival,

This Brass Band Festival

And see some wonderful bands

Playing music I enjoy.

This year was different though,

I couldn’t stay all day,

I had to leave in the afternoon

As that evening I would be singing,

Singing in the choir,

The choir I have sung in,

Sung in since the day,

The day it first started,

And this day we had a performance.

So in the evening I was on the stage,

On the stage with the choir.

We sung our hearts out

Singing songs we enjoyed.

The audience applauded and cheered,

They had a great time

As did the choir.

What a great day I had

A day filled with music.

Music is my life

And always has been,

It has been with me all my life

From the day I was born,

And will be with me forever,

Forever and beyond.