Naina Pandey

Romantic Madman\'s Ecstasy

Lost track of time—  

Sipping the ageing of time,  
With feeble lips, savoring the timeless wine 
(my cherished pastime)  
and drowsy eyes, awakened from a deep slumber...  
My lazy locks curl up and kiss my brows  
(kissing the brows eases anxiety).  
I write a poem  
In vague consciousness,  
In freestyle,  
About enjoying the ecstasy  
Of relaxing under the evening sky.  
Where the winds sway my hair
 (the bob with lots of layer),

A crazy romantic  
Sucking out the marrow of life!  
My soul escaping from the  
\'Being\' in a concrete jungle  
And the existence of forms blurs between the heart and the rosy clouds,  
Somewhere in the embrace of time...  
Whose track is lost!

And the essence of romance is out in the air!

I whisper to the void then,  
\"Living under a sky where the mind is unfettered by foolish realities,  
Is truly a Romantic Mad(wo)man\'s ecstasy...\"