Soman Ragavan

The poet\'s tale; 22 Dec 2019

                         THE POET’S TALE

1st stanza

From novel Geoffrey’s tablet, a mother-flicker :

From Simon’s anatomy, a mother-shudder;

From the poetic pro’s static gunfire

Poetry hath gone rather haywire…



The Stanleytoun Tales, from hither Geoffrey,

Do ride ‘pon the tides, to faraway lands;

Will surely remonstrate the prudish bands,

Branding the man as a mere donkey.


A goodly servant, dutifully performing,

Promptly the residues yonder shunting :

But, the encroacher doth swell ever more,

Rendering the trapp’d duct further sore.


As at this spot Nature hath some oversight,

Will surely sprout up here some hidden blight;

The camel want’st to take up the whole place :

For the poor conduit remain’st little space…


Ah, what could be said on the matter ?...

Some constriction : some needless stricture…

Though crafting gems of tastiest nature,

The poet bow’d to failing watery chatter.


Ah ! Be need’d a tube with a harden’d wall

Through which would pass the vital cord,

Among others, still answering Nature’s call,

Resisting all squeezing from the overlord…


While yon crucial rising cord hath its fortification,

While yon useless internal adjunct itself survives,

Into strain hither luckless duct dives :

Alas, a poor poet be driven to perdition…


Yonder, for months be squeez’d yon similar channel,

Yet, promptly springs it back in the narrow panel :

Rapidly returns it to its original size in due course :

Yonder, to logic evolution sure doth have recourse…


The perpetuation of the species be a must,

Even if ashes to ashes, dust to dust ;

Hither, of trouble poor Man’s life be rife :

Ah, what a destiny... What a life…


What happen’d to evolution ? How was this overlook’d ?

Why must a crucial conduit be thus illogically hook’d ?

Must we be destin’d to such pointless battery ?...

Must our life be lac’d with such mindless misery ?...


How many centuries more be need’d for evolution

To save Man from such a needless condition ?...

Down Shaftesbury Gardens, always must remain,

For Pete’s sake, always must remain free the drain !!...


Soman Ragavan

22 December, 2019
