Dev Parth

Whispers Of Hope

In the quiet dawn of a sleepless night,
Where shadows dance with flickering light,
There lies a whisper, soft and clear,
A beacon of hope that draws us near.

In moments when the heart feels weak,
When silence is the solace we seek,
Look within, where courage resides,
In the depths of introspection\'s tides.

Hope, a flame that never fades,
Guides us through the darkest shades,
A silent promise, steadfast and true,
Reminding us of what we can do.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
With self-discipline as our guide,
We forge a path, though rough it may be,
Towards the light of destiny.

Each step we take, each choice we make,
Is a testament to the strength we awake,
In the realm of the heart, where dreams take flight,
Hope ignites the spirit, burning bright.

So hold on tight, through storm and strife,
Embrace the lessons of this life,
For in the end, we’ll find our way,
With hope, introspection, and discipline’s sway.