Thad Wilk

~> Black Rose And A Cross

In her diary she placed

a black rose and a cross,

they will mark this page

for everyone to see.

Folks will read of the pain

and of her loss,

how she could no longer

cope with this misery.


An accident had taken

her true love away.

She\'ll never kiss him again

nor feel his warm embrace.

her life it ended also

on that day.

This loneliness she

can no longer face.


He was her world, her life,

her everything.

She was carefree 

and happy as can be.

And oh how he could 

make her heart sing.

She thought their love

would never end;

but in life, there\'s no guarantee.


As the lightning flashed

and the black clouds

blanketed the moon.

She bid farewell 

to her living hell..

She never felt the knife

that took her life.

They would be together soon~

