Accidental Poet

When Love Stares You Down


There is no escape

Should love find you

No where you can hide

When love finds you true


It’ll be like

The sunrise in your heart

When you see that special someone

Love so strong never to part


Unlike anything

You’ve ever known before

Like being reborn again

Walking through Love’s door


That someone could

Reach your deepest of depths

To mesmerize your very soul

 Leaving you feeling powerless


Like growing weak in the knees

A euphoria comes over you

Everything and everyone else

Out of focus and askew


Yes friends

This is true love

Love you’ve always longed for

Always dreamed of


Cherish it for all your days

For love like this

Comes but once in a lifetime

The sweetest romantic kiss


So don’t be afraid

If you feel it lurking around

Just stare back with acceptance

When love stares you down


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024