Qurrathul Ain


I see my path,

Diverging in several directions,

Each road takes me to a different end.


But one path beckoned me in,

What lies ahead is unknown,

But I was confident,

I started to move along the dark tunnel,

And declared it my territory.


This is mine to walk down,

And I ardently believed,

That this is where,

I\'ll find what I\'ve always wanted.


I gave my all to every step, every stone,

Every flower I planted,

Every being I fed,

Every disturbance I removed.


My imagination so traitorous,

Tricked me to believe this,

To be my dream\'s reality,

It kept chanting to my heart,

That I\'ll soon reach my happy ending.


It wasn\'t long before,

I hit the dead end.


I had to accept that,

This could go no more,

I have to return,

This was all my own misguiding assumptions,

My own imagination tricking me.


But instead,

I kept knocking on the huge rock,

That obscured the tunnel\'s way out.


With the unreasonable hope,

That it will move to give way,

To reveal my wishes to be true.