Eileen Clark

No Trespassing

                                                                                                                                                                                       My friend Joey and me were hanging out in his yard

 Had nothing to do though we were thinking real hard                                                                                        Nearing end of August we were sweating from the heat
Joey gives out a shout, I got an idea that\'s really neat

We could go to the corner ice cream and candy store
Got no money to spend, we\'ll get thrown out the door
We can go swimming at the junior high\'s indoor pool
A locked gate, no lifeguard on duty, no way to be cool

Our last plan brought us to our towns roadside stream
A No Trespassing sign nailed to a tree can be easily seen
When Joie and I are striped down to are swimming trunks
Up pulls officer Kelly\'s cruiser, oh brother we are sunk

Driving me home I thought my dad was quite upset
I did something for a long time he might not forget
But he smiled at me and said we\'re on the same page
I got caught swimming there too when I was your age.

Author Eileen Clark 2022