
The Future of Man

The Future of Man

A light shines and people refuse to see it.

A scientific discovery is made, and someone asks 

“How many people can I kill with it?”

We are on the brink of unlimited energy

and someone says “Drill, drill, drill!”

We may be able in the future to mine outer space

and someone wants to build a killer-satellite.

We need to get climate controls in place

but people want to buy: Cars, guns, and anything plastic.

The weather is changing, the seas are rising

yet people refuse to believe it

and wish for the good old days. 


 If we haven’t already killed this planet


The time is upon us:


To direct our energies to salvation and survival.

We need to listen to leaders that want to save this planet

and not to those who preach hatred to gain power.

We cannot be mice following the cheese off the cliff.

It is time to awaken to our plight.

We are all in this together.

We must rid ourselves of the hatred-mongers.

Overthrow those who tell us that our fellow men are the problem.

We must unite in the effort to save our own lives.

To save our planet before it dies.