
Sometimes I forget your face, but I still feel you there.

I still love you and it\'s okay, 

It\'s okay,

I can breathe.

I\'m still here 

It\'s okay. 



My heart was shattered and I lost my mind trying to gather the shattered pieces off of the ground. 

I could feel you there even when you weren\'t around.

I tried to call out but there wasn\'t a sound.

I tried to scream and shout, I called you names, I even broke stuff around your house so you\'d hear but you still didn\'t appear, 


you weren\'t there.


I just wanted you to see what it was like, how it looked inside my mind. 

It\'s been 8 months and I\'m starting to forget your face, but I still think about you every single day.

Years worth of tears ran down my face after I saw you again and you walked the other way,

I walked along the shore and sat in the rain, I wanted to suffocate in the waves.

I sometimes pray to God to keep angels around me, but that night I shunned them and let the weight of the pain drown me because I realised we\'d never be the same.

At first I tried to drink but I knew it wasn\'t the right thing, I just couldn\'t cope, I didn\'t want to mend because I still held on to hope. 

I thought that if we spoke I could say I was sorry for the smoke caused by the fire that blurred my vision, I was sorry for the mess caused by the bitterness and anger and pain that we sat in.

The dust is settling and I can see a little clearer, I didn\'t think I\'d survive, but I can breathe again. 


I forget your face but in my heart you\'re still there. 

It aches but it\'s okay. 

I still love you and it\'s okay.