Dev Parth

Whispers Of The Morning

In the stillness of dawn, where the night meets day,
The whispers of the morning have much to say.
They tell of dreams that linger in the morning mist,
And secrets of the stars that the night has kissed.

The golden hues of sunrise paint the sky anew,
With promises of hope in every shade and hue.
Birds sing their melodies, a chorus of delight,
Welcoming the day from the embrace of night.

The breeze carries whispers through the waking trees,
A symphony of rustling leaves in harmony.
Each breath of morning air, so crisp and pure,
A reminder of life\'s beauty, simple and sure.

So, in this quiet moment, take a pause and see,
The wonders of the morning, so wild and free.
Let its whispers fill your heart, and your spirit soar,
For each new day is a gift, and so much more.