Sprouted forth, full of life,
the girl of Castle Hills,
who both in love, and in strife,
made up all the thrills,
by being mother, and a lover,
healer of the woes,
nothing cannot smother,
a shining Gainsborough Rose.
Her four, play sweet music,
much to her delight,
her smile’s therapeutic,
dousing any fight,
in customary fashion,
she’d wipe away the lows,
a lady of compassion,
this shining Gainsborough Rose.
Kind witch, at Halloween,
cast her friendly spell,
of which, I have seen,
means that all was well,
devotion’s strengthened meaning,
from her head to her toes,
our world should be dreaming,
of shining Gainsborough Rose.
So sad to see, such a light,
be put in the shade,
still so much to put right,
by lovingness displayed,
but whenever you are angry,
watch flower; that re-grows,
embrace a happy memory,
from shining Gainsborough Rose.