GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

Long Days!

     Harlow has been busy since she got to work this morning. Phone calls, getting orders ready, plus two employees called out with no warning. Lucky for her she has her best girl Charity to help out! Charity’s been with her since day one. She knows she can count on her without a doubt. Charity’s been dating Jim for about a year. She is very much in love with him but won’t say so due to fear. Jim is extremely protective of her. Keeping her best interest at heart. He provides all she needs and he keeps in touch when they’re apart. She’s never been in love before and isn’t sure she should be the first to say so. “Do you think I should tell him Harlow?” “Ummmm let me think;” “NO!” “The man is always to be the one to take the lead in most things.” “I guess you’re right.” “But really?” “In everything.?” “What about you Harlow?” “Have you ever seen that cute guy again?” Harlow knows exactly who she’s talking about; “no not since way back when.” Harlow helped him with a beautiful bouquet of flowers that were a pretty penny. She remembers serving him her homemade chocolate bark with a splash of her homemade honey. He had told her how delicious it was to have such a tasty treat. Harlow hoped to see him again but it never happened unfortunately. “Well; Jim tells me a buddy of his is moving up here tomorrow from the city.” “You could show him around town; help him find the beauty!” Harlow just smiles and asks when he arrives. “He”ll be here tomorrow evening around five; I know you’re caring for parents but I’ll take over; I don’t mind.” Sounds like Charity is playing Cupid for Harlow; want to know more? Come back tomorrow!!