

It has taken me a long time to realize that is doesn’t matter how long it takes,

Because no one is going to look back and see all of your mistakes.

They are only going to admire that you kept going even when things got hard,

And that you didn’t throw in the towel when you were at the one hundredth yard.

Because it can be discouraging to see how far you still have to go,

But if you never even try, then you will never know.

You will never know what could have happened if you just gave it one more try,

And if you actually believed when they said that your limit is beyond the sky.

It can be daunting to start this journey of following your dreams,

And it can be hard to try and figure out what it all means.

And you try your best to block out everyone who is telling you that you are doing it wrong,

Because they are all going down the same path, while you are busy listening to your own song.

Not going with the crowd has left you damaged before,

But you also know that you want something that is worth so much more.

It is not only about getting everything that you desire,

But also realizing that it is okay to dream and to aim higher.

Because you are not someone who is willing to settle for anything less,

And you know that you are the only one who can get you out of your own mess.

You are the one who got you there in the first place,

And you are the only one who can finish the race.

You know deep down you have it in you to go the distance,

And you did it all because of your discipline and persistence.

One day you will have the story that inspired others to do the same,

And you know that one day, everyone will be able to remember your name.

You had the perseverance to keep going, even when things got tough,

And you showed everyone how you need to keep going, despite everything being rough.