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Ginger Our Tarantula

Gargantuan was the spider on display

A hairy one in the terrarium each day

Ginger the tarantula an exciting one

Had rocks, and sand and lamp sun

Unlike the ones in horror shows

She was docile, as monsters go

Fed her food but no small birds

But whose large fangs sometimes disturbed

She got loose one time, one summer

Just disappeared while we’d slumbered

But in a corner of the laundry room

We found her the next afternoon

She’s not as creepy as a boa snake

Or as dull as a turtle without a mate

But palm size she’s impressive indeed

Whose eight tiny eyes can barely see

She may live as long as 20 years

Somewhat longer than our dog it appears

But I wonder if gargantuan Ginger

Will ever be considered a family member

The family cat disappears at times

But Ginger is usually easy to find

She’s like the goldfish in his little bowl

His glass smudged, too, by a tot I know