
In Faith

In faith, they walked, the chosen twelve,

With hearts ablaze, their souls did delve

Into the teachings of the One,

Jesus of Nazarene, God\'s only Son.


Peter, with keys to Heaven\'s gate,

A Martyr’s embrace by upside fate.

In Rome, he chooses a cross head down,

Unworthy, he felt, of the holy crown.


Andrew, his brother, bound to X,

Preached to the end, his faith complex.

Andrew claimed his final breath,

Preaching love, not fearing death.


James the Great, by Herod\'s sword,

Was first to witness for the Lord.

In Jerusalem, his blood was shed,

The path of a martyr he also led.


John, beloved, faced not the blade,

But exile\'s sting on Patmos laid.

In visions vast, he saw the end,

Revelations, to us, he did send.


Beheaded or crucified, witnesses say.

Phillip embarked on Eternity’s way.

Bartholomew death  the truth remains.

But still his sacrifices were not in vain.


Thomas\' doubt did turn to belief,

In India, he found his final grief.

Matthew the tax collector his death came by spear,

Trusting in God’s Plan without any fear.


James by a club he did endure.

His devotion to Christ was forever more.

Thaddaeus an arrow pierced his skin.

A quiet hero who fought for his life to begin.




Simon the Zealot, fate the same,

Sawed in half, yet he had no shame.

For in his death, he knew the prize,

Eternal life beyond the skies.


Matthias, chosen by the lot,

To replace Judas, his end was wrought.

By stoning first, then beheading,

His faith stood fast, unrelenting.


These men of valor, bold and true,

Gave their all, their lives anew.

For the love of Christ, they bore the cross,

Counting spiritual gain not loss.


Let us remember and honor their tale,

These who blazed the narrow trail.

In their footsteps, may we tread,

Without Fear, by faith we\'re led.