Dan Williams

The Remberer

I see now why redemption never comes cheap;

if it does not cause measurable agony, it is not real.

Atonement lost its luster when discovered to be weaponless;

powerless against Destiny.

No amnesty in this horizontal gravity.

No centrifugal to facilitate or enable escape…



I see so very few genuine heroes trying to stand

defiant even though still unsure

what is actually under these tyrant’s hats.

Trying to stand on principles long ago proved impotent,

with mental pockets full of useless currency.

Truth, disheveled by random betrayal scenarios

leaves morality, breathing poisonous air;



I see good heartedness

beaten bloody again, defenses ineffectual.

Loyalty staggers out from its corner each time,

sporting cuts and bruises and the shame of it;

some that will never completely heal.

All the same, though never knocked completely down;

only pitifully applauded or embarrassingly ignored.



I see other tired souls as calloused as I am,

stung repeatedly with so many mean lies.

Weakened values of so many significant pursuits

left behind or let go without penalty or remedy.

Viciously corrupt media’s skewed reporting

produces truth by repetition alone,

carrying water for the utopians; polluting free choice.



I see reason pummeled, ignored, or both;

practicality and logic overridden.

Common sense nearly eradicated

by politics of fear and invented crises,

to assure the sheep stay fearful and complacent;

accepting being disarmed, accepting ridicule,

sheared of resistance by misled status quo.
