kairal k

The light Will Shine Again


Acceptance opens a dam within that has been holding all the untruths, fears and vulnerability that you weren’t ready to face

I now see how I’m not okay, far from it

I understand how long I have been keeping my head under water

I see how long I have been surviving, keeping it strong

I feel so sensitive and vulnerable

Denial wasn’t bad, it was a protection mechanism.

What if I wouldn’t be able to function if I saw my reality? What if my mind would break and no one was there to hold me?

But now that my mind, body and soul knows I can handle it, it is time for accepting things for how they are

I feel grateful for denial, because it has brought me here and kept things going for me

Now acceptance has taken the reins

I do not know where it will lead me, but I know it’s going to be okay

And even if it turns not to be okay and things get hard for me, I will still be okay.