
My Beloved Candle

I was so caught up in my pain

I did not realise

She was burning herself to keep our world bright

I just kept cutting her down


Her tears dribbled down each time she was lit up to provide me with warmth

Till it reached the bottom and cooled to a solid


She gradually lost the spark in her eyes

Her energy levels diminishing

She made up fantasies of our future in her mind to not lose hope

But her scent grew dull


Only when all that was left was 

The cold wind howling as if telling me all her hidden grievances

and seeping deep within my lonely cracks 

For me to realise that I have to face the darkness alone forever

Because I was the one who used up the light of my life


I\'ve learnt my lesson too late, My Beloved,

You deserve someone who can treat you right

You deserve someone who loves you for who you are

You deserve someone who is present

who recognised and matched your efforts

You deserve the World for all your lifetimes