
Soul talk

My Son and daughters, listen to the quiet moments,

the spaces between breaths,

where truth hides from the noise.


Feel the earth beneath your feet,

it has held our ancestors, it holds you.

Your path is written in the dirt and sky.


When doubt seeps into your bones,

stand firm. Not every storm will break you,

but each one will shape you.


Pain is a teacher, a rough and honest guide.

Let it carve wisdom into your heart,

let it teach you the weight of joy.


Seek not answers in the world’s clamor,

but in the stillness of your own soul.

There, you will find your compass.


Love fiercely, with open hands.

Hoard nothing, for everything we clutch

will someday slip through our grasp.


And remember, son, your spirit

is a river, powerful and free.

Flow with grace, carve your own course.