Tom Dylan


I am working from home this week

until the builders are gone.

I find I’m much more productive at home

I always get so much more done.


I get a shout out on breakfast radio

from the bubbly morning show host

who mentions that I’m WFH

while having my tea and toast.


After breakfast I start on the housework,

whizzing the hoover round, then bring out the mop.

This working from home is so hectic,

it really just doesn’t stop.


In the afternoon I weed the garden,

then book an appointment for my hair,

then I call a few friends for a chat,

and then just doze in my chair.


After a few hours of day-time TV

I quickly pop to the shops,

I use the express till before dashing back home,

in case there’s a call from my boss.


It’s back to the office on Monday

I’ll back working at my desk

when they ask how I found working from home

I’ll say I’ve come back in for a rest.