Thad Wilk

~> She Shan\'t Forget That Day

The heat it touched a high degree that day.

Upon a comfy towel \'neath cloudless sky;

in a peaceful slumber, here this miss lay.

Her sweet dreams soothing like a lullaby.


The warming that she felt upon her face.

\'Twas not trickles of spray from yonder shore.

Realized quickly she picked the wrong place.

Nothing like this she had  felt heretofore.


She awoke, she thought to the splash of rain.

Alas she comprehends her unjust fate.

To escape this yellow flow \'twas in vain.

Her hair and \"shades\" were drenched, it was too late.


The mem\'ry of this day it still brings scorn!

She shan\'t forget that day she was peed on~

