The Young Visionary

Find Your Strength

We live in a world where we are constantly discriminated.
Our color, our gender determine our destiny.
People of color I understand the feeling of wanting light skin and long hair.
That\'s what I once desired, but I learnt something from all these years.
Our opinions don\'t matter.

In our society we experience cruel discrimination, our lives surrounded by people\'s opinions.
What good is that?
A battle between what a woman is.
Just to please men cook, to clean a maid that\'s what they see, they were the pants.
So, what am I supposed to be down to them?
Kiss their toes maybe, clean their house too.

You\'re black and walking in a store or strolling in a street.
Just to be trolled by a guard or the police.
It\'s not a matter of modern days, modern society.
It has always been like this.
Male were the pants; ladies were the dress; those lines should never cross.
Black people are servants and white reigns supreme, those lines should never cross. not a one-way road.
I personally think it\'s time for a change.
A man\'s faith is not yours to determine.
A woman\'s worth is not to choose.
It\'s up to them to make their choice to win or to lose.

A woman can be an athlete and a man can be a hairdresser.
Technology and everything in the world can change.
So should society discrimination, so should the way we look at each other.
And hopefully one day we can put our differences aside and realize we are all together.