Dev Parth

Is There Anyone

In the quiet of the night, beneath the moon\'s soft glow,
I wonder, is there anyone, who truly knows?
The secrets that I carry, the dreams I hold so dear,
Is there anyone who listens, who genuinely hears?

The world is vast and busy, with faces passing by,
Is there anyone who sees me, beyond the public eye?
The smiles that I wear, the laughter that I show,
Is there anyone who perceives the tears that overflow?

In moments of silence, when shadows start to creep,
Is there anyone who stays, who lulls my heart to sleep?
When doubts begin to surface, and fears start to arise,
Is there anyone who stands firm, to banish all the lies?

A soul that seeks connection, a heart that yearns to find,
Is there anyone out there, who\'s genuinely kind?
To share in my joys, to understand my pain,
Is there anyone who loves, without seeking gain?

I search the stars above, I look within my heart,
Is there anyone who\'ll join me, never to depart?
In this journey of existence, where paths often diverge,
Is there anyone who\'ll walk with me, through every twist and surge?

So I cast my hopes like seeds, upon the winds of fate,
Is there anyone who\'ll answer, before it\'s too late?
For in the end, we all desire, a companion to our soul,
Is there anyone who completes me, who makes me whole?