What\'s up doc

The whole head is sick 

The people saw

Up on the podium down on the floor..



A fist goes up a scream and a shout 


A world divided the cat let out..



What\'s up doc? What comes next?


Civil war?


A puffed out chest..



It\'s getting desperate that old fool can\'t stay..


A stroke or heart attack will get him out of the way..



Allowed to rise 

The Devils son 

In many disguises 

Anointed the one..



The world in derision 

He laughs on the throne 

What once was forbidden has now found a home..


Divide and conquer 

Lies led astray 

Rally the faithful 

Hells on the way... 



Of course it may have all been staged?

Raised the profile 

Directed the rage.. 


What is truth? nothing is new... 

The knives are out and not just a few.