
An idea for narrative devices.

I had a silly idea, and I will never use it/ finish it on my own. - My idea: a new set of soul stones (think Marvel), but with unique abilities; the six together yielding in all the powers the infinity gems we all know and love yield. 


1.) \'The Toon-Stone\' • would grant gag powers, grant the ability to spoof & parade other powers, perform feats of true nonsense, etc.


2.) \'The Meta-Stone\' • you control the truths, the shadows, the \"code\", the... Also grants over all/any purely meta-powers & Meta powers that the user can dream; you could change THE CANON...; [forbidden narrative device stuff]...; etc. 


3.) \'The Magic-Stone\' • grants control over all mystical magics: the fey, the eldritch, Vudu, some (but not all) of the cosmic forces, etc.


4.) \'The Physics-Stone\' • grants control over the laws of physics, the physical nature of all things in this stone\'s respective universe, etc.


5.) \'The Arch-Stone\' • [I wasn\'t able to figure it out—I never will]



       I don\'t know what I am missing—outside of a finished Arch-Stone—and I refuse to make cop-out stones. Do any of you lot know what the other two would be most fittingly? Use these ideas as you will. (What would Stone Six even be?)