

Some things we may only see

In a big city - London, for example

I saw such a thing....


A man in a manual push-wheelchair

And one-legged at that

In the middle of a very busy road

Going up to some cars

As they stopped for traffic lights


I don\'t know what he wanted

Begging? Knew someone in the car?

But he went up to more than one car

So he couldn\'t have know all the drivers at random

Very hazardous.....


Cars and buses and motor cycles about 

Could have got run down or killed

Should I have approached him and warned him?


But in the middle of a very busy road

A zebra crossing was fairly nearby

But it all looked hair-raising to me

Hazardous enough even to reach him

In the middle of the road

Going up and down in his wheelchair 


Some things we may only see

In a big city.....

I told you the one about

A man walking backwards with two bags of shopping

I presumed he was practising for

\'The Annual 5 km Walking Backwards Race\'!

But I didn\'t ask him

We were going in opposite directions