
An Assassination Attempt

Why?  As one former president used to say \"we don\'t know the motive.\"  Yes we do.  It may be hidden in plain site, but I think we usually know.  Or is it just plain old fashioned insanity?  Have we become a third world country?  Is it about implementing the finest security for some, but not for others?  I\'m afraid.  I\'m afraid for the safety and well-being and longevity of this nation as we know it.  Is this just a preview of what\'s to come?  Is this just the start of some dark and evil days?  Oh God, I hope not.  She said \"he must be stopped.  He cannot be president.\"  He said \"we need to put a bullseye on him.\"  She said \"I\'ll take him out myself.\"  Do these statements incite violence?  I\'m very afraid.  Every American should be very afraid.  

~Debralee Heather