
To Be Voted Out


Ambitions take time

This had taken all of mine

It would have been my father’s dream

Arranged by my plans and scheme

Inch by inch, chip by chip

To make him proud

And to dare to think it aloud



But it’s all come to nothing

Just bluffing, no fuckin thing

Just a waste,

A taste so bitter

I hope I now understand

Not to build hopes on sand

Look elsewhere for something better



My self-belief made so small

By a ballot, it was made nothing at all

No one noticed a part of me die

I shake hands; say “Goodbye”

Bite my tongue

Don’t cry

Don’t stay and don’t look behind


Be the bigger man and let them off light

Just say “good night” and crawl away

And hope tomorrow is another day



But, it’s hard to let it go

As the days flow by

Is that it, with nothing more spoken

“. . . can I watch the things I gave my life to,

shattered and broken?”1

Betrayed not by a kiss

Or a stab in the back

But by the apathy of once good friends

It ends



1 Borrowed from Rudyard Kipling, \"IF\"