Mark The Phenomenon


Admiration, oh how it shines so bright
A feeling that takes flight
In the depths of our hearts, it resides
A treasure that never divides

Its wings spread wide, like a bird in flight
It lifts us up to new heights
With each glance, we see its light
And our souls take off on a delightful sight

Oh, how it fills our minds with grace
A beauty that leaves no trace
A feeling that brings us joy and cheer
And chases away all fear

In the eyes of another, we find
A reflection of our own design
A bond that forever will bind
Two hearts that intertwine as one kind

So let us cherish this love so true
This admiration, pure and through
For it is a gift from above
A treasure sent from a loving glove

Admiration, oh how it shines so bright
A feeling that takes flight
In the depths of our hearts, it resides
A treasure to abide

Its beauty, like a work of art
A masterpiece from the start
It fills us with wonder and light
And makes our spirits take flight

With every glance, we see its grace
A reflection of pure delight
A sentiment that fills the space
And brings joy to our sight

Oh, admiration, you are a gem
A treasure to win
Your radiance, we cannot forget
For in your eyes, we find our fret

In your presence, we feel complete
Our souls, you do greet
With each moment, we are won
By the love that you have shown.